about / contact

blankTON started in 1999 in Vienna, Austria as a specialized public relations company for independent labels and artists, focussing on the vibrant electronic music scene in Austria with clients such as Klein Records, G-Stone Recordings, Couch Records and more. In 2002, the blankTON.abo was launched – a monthly CD-service, which has been put into hiatus in 2024 after 22 successful years. In 2013, blankTON recordings was founded, the recording branch where original material by a range of diverse artists is released, with a focus on the vibrant scene in and around Vienna.

We still offer consultation and guidance when it comes to public relations, marketing, strategy and staying alive in the music business in general. If you want to keep up with what’s going on with blankTON please feel free to also subscribe to our monthly newsletter – or contact us directly at bureau@blankton.org

Yours sincerely,

Michael Lachsteiner (aka Mikka Blank; Founder)